The Five Elements & The Elemental Environment
The Industrial Mindset
We all have experienced, and intrinsically know, when energetic misalignments and disturbances arise by and between members of a team, or on a larger scale, within a larger organization confronting significant challenges on a systemic basis.
However, in almost all cases, within the current large-scale organizational frame, there is no recognition of the true source of these difficulties, rooted within the lived experiential lens of the employees who work there. These challenges are viewed through the lens of mechanical principles and processes born of an industrial orientation, centered on abstract mechanical, systemic, or protocol-centered prescriptions.
The human dimensions of human beings comprising these organizations are not factored into the productive equation; and often are culturally judged or explicitly punished if human frailties and living experience are revealed in contemporary corporate culture.
Failure to recognize and honor the human being at the center of humans doing is to invite tension, fear, conflict, and competition; and to dramatically decrease the generative potential of, by, between, and in service to all involved. The greater the adverse disruption, blocking, or misalignment of energetic flows by and between those charged with co-creating, the more targets, goals, projections, and outcomes fall short of intended outcomes, or fail entirely.
Experiencing Reality
We live in a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get world. On a deeper level, what you “see” is based on what you know, believe, fear, and have experienced before. “Reality” is by its nature what is and what is subjectively imposed on it by the viewer, constructed in each moment based on five experiential sensing and sense-making dimensions, physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual.
Some within our species, over time, have culturally de-emphasized, forgotten, or de-sensitized one or more of these existential experiential dimensions and capacities, and projected sophisticated intellectual constructs and beliefs onto reality.
However, indigenous populations exhibit the innate existence of these capacities intrinsic to our species, as living beings; and offer a means to enable reawakening of these capacities, and restoration of full cognitive, emotional, sensory, and energetic connection to and awareness of others, our world, and all who we share it with.
Awareness of Self, Source, & Others
Individual self-awareness, like the experience of reality, is a unique individual and subjective endeavor. As a dimension of being, individual context, culture, learning, experience, and circumstance all materially affect degrees of self-awareness, the consciousness of others, and connection to our world.
The greater the clarity, openness, and spaciousness of individual presence and attention in the present moment experience to reality, in conjunction with a fully energized complement of experiential channels of receiving, the truer felt, sensed, and understood perception is of the reality experienced; and the greater the energy flow and connection by and between the beings present.
The greater the diversion of energy from present moment attention to the sustaining of internal fears, attachments, constructs, and projections, the greater the discrepancy between the actual reality being experienced, and the filtered perceived reality produced by these internal constructs.
Within this frame, perception and experience of reality without imposition or distortion is to be consciously aware of what is being received “from source.” Perception and experience, as filtered, colored, and conformed to affirm to internal fears, beliefs, knowledge, and projections is a construction, designed to affirm the individual attachments projected by their creator. Conscious awareness of the difference between reality, and this subject construction of reality is often absent.
Recognizing Energetic Dynamics, Movements, and Flows By and Between
Each present moment of experiential reality is comprised of and manifested by an array of energetic contributions; and the dynamics, movements, and flows by and between them. From pure energy and imagination, an idea appears, as part of the generative process of creating something from nothing.
Every aspect of our individual and collective experience of reality, including the tangible and intangible, the inanimate and living, the sub-atomic to the astronomical universe we see, is in a constant state of change, movement, momentum, and interaction. In this experienced reality, all degrees of temperature, density, strength, cohesion, and fragility are present or manifest, whether physical or intangible and ethereal. Included in this reality is everything that comprises it, including us, and all other living things and objects, forces, and energies.
In service to collectively being able to discuss what is dynamically going on, on an energetic level, by and between all of these energies, forces, manifestations, and flows, we have turned to sharings from ancient times and wisdom. These teachers, who retained full faculty, capacity, awareness and senses to bring their lived experience of their universe to consciousness, awareness, and understanding. These teachings were codified as The Five Great Elements.
The Five Great Elements- Dimensions, Qualities, and Attributes
The five great elements, derived from ancient Chinese Buddhist tradition are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. There are variations on this list in different cultures around the world. Each of these elements references multiple expressions, energies, attributes, and living dimensions of reality, geology, our biome, our bodies, our interactions, our procreation, our consciousness, and our way of relating to and co-creating with each other.
Constant Elemental Realigning
What does all of the above have to do with human generativity and co-creation? The energetic fields each of the elemental names speak to collectively converge, blend, resonate, align, and express themselves in the manifestation of reality, moment-to-moment. The energetic flows and alignment are in a constant state of change, individually, and in relation to and in combination with each other.
Realizing the greatest generative potential in a given moment by and between a group of people co-creating together involves each individual, on an elemental level, being conscious and aware of their respective internal alignment and responsiveness to internal energetic states, across all dimensions of being-- physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual.
Beyond this internal dimension of energetic alignment, awareness, and freedom of responsiveness, each person in relation to all others in the co-creative flow is responsible for prioritizing awareness of all others, and their respective expression and manifestation of their relative states of alignment, both individually, and with others in relation to dynamic flows by and between each other.
We all have experienced, and intrinsically know, when energetic misalignments and disturbances arise by and between members of a team, or on a larger scale, within a larger organization confronting significant challenges on a systemic basis.
However, in almost all cases, within the current large-scale organizational frame, there is no recognition of the true source of these difficulties, rooted within the lived experiential lens of the employees who work there. These challenges are viewed through the lens of mechanical principles and processes born of an industrial orientation, centered on abstract mechanical, systemic, or protocol-centered prescriptions.
The human dimensions of human beings comprising these organizations are not factored into the productive equation; and often are culturally judged or explicitly punished if human frailties and living experience are revealed in contemporary corporate culture.
Failure to recognize and honor the human being at the center of humans doing is to invite tension, fear, conflict, and competition; and to dramatically decrease the generative potential of, by, between, and in service to all involved. The greater the adverse disruption, blocking, or misalignment of energetic flows by and between those charged with co-creating, the more targets, goals, projections, and outcomes fall short of intended outcomes, or fail entirely.
Experiencing Reality
We live in a What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get world. On a deeper level, what you “see” is based on what you know, believe, fear, and have experienced before. “Reality” is by its nature what is and what is subjectively imposed on it by the viewer, constructed in each moment based on five experiential sensing and sense-making dimensions, physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual.
Some within our species, over time, have culturally de-emphasized, forgotten, or de-sensitized one or more of these existential experiential dimensions and capacities, and projected sophisticated intellectual constructs and beliefs onto reality.
However, indigenous populations exhibit the innate existence of these capacities intrinsic to our species, as living beings; and offer a means to enable reawakening of these capacities, and restoration of full cognitive, emotional, sensory, and energetic connection to and awareness of others, our world, and all who we share it with.
Awareness of Self, Source, & Others
Individual self-awareness, like the experience of reality, is a unique individual and subjective endeavor. As a dimension of being, individual context, culture, learning, experience, and circumstance all materially affect degrees of self-awareness, the consciousness of others, and connection to our world.
The greater the clarity, openness, and spaciousness of individual presence and attention in the present moment experience to reality, in conjunction with a fully energized complement of experiential channels of receiving, the truer felt, sensed, and understood perception is of the reality experienced; and the greater the energy flow and connection by and between the beings present.
The greater the diversion of energy from present moment attention to the sustaining of internal fears, attachments, constructs, and projections, the greater the discrepancy between the actual reality being experienced, and the filtered perceived reality produced by these internal constructs.
Within this frame, perception and experience of reality without imposition or distortion is to be consciously aware of what is being received “from source.” Perception and experience, as filtered, colored, and conformed to affirm to internal fears, beliefs, knowledge, and projections is a construction, designed to affirm the individual attachments projected by their creator. Conscious awareness of the difference between reality, and this subject construction of reality is often absent.
Recognizing Energetic Dynamics, Movements, and Flows By and Between
Each present moment of experiential reality is comprised of and manifested by an array of energetic contributions; and the dynamics, movements, and flows by and between them. From pure energy and imagination, an idea appears, as part of the generative process of creating something from nothing.
Every aspect of our individual and collective experience of reality, including the tangible and intangible, the inanimate and living, the sub-atomic to the astronomical universe we see, is in a constant state of change, movement, momentum, and interaction. In this experienced reality, all degrees of temperature, density, strength, cohesion, and fragility are present or manifest, whether physical or intangible and ethereal. Included in this reality is everything that comprises it, including us, and all other living things and objects, forces, and energies.
In service to collectively being able to discuss what is dynamically going on, on an energetic level, by and between all of these energies, forces, manifestations, and flows, we have turned to sharings from ancient times and wisdom. These teachers, who retained full faculty, capacity, awareness and senses to bring their lived experience of their universe to consciousness, awareness, and understanding. These teachings were codified as The Five Great Elements.
The Five Great Elements- Dimensions, Qualities, and Attributes
The five great elements, derived from ancient Chinese Buddhist tradition are: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space. There are variations on this list in different cultures around the world. Each of these elements references multiple expressions, energies, attributes, and living dimensions of reality, geology, our biome, our bodies, our interactions, our procreation, our consciousness, and our way of relating to and co-creating with each other.
Constant Elemental Realigning
What does all of the above have to do with human generativity and co-creation? The energetic fields each of the elemental names speak to collectively converge, blend, resonate, align, and express themselves in the manifestation of reality, moment-to-moment. The energetic flows and alignment are in a constant state of change, individually, and in relation to and in combination with each other.
Realizing the greatest generative potential in a given moment by and between a group of people co-creating together involves each individual, on an elemental level, being conscious and aware of their respective internal alignment and responsiveness to internal energetic states, across all dimensions of being-- physical, emotional, energetic, mental, and spiritual.
Beyond this internal dimension of energetic alignment, awareness, and freedom of responsiveness, each person in relation to all others in the co-creative flow is responsible for prioritizing awareness of all others, and their respective expression and manifestation of their relative states of alignment, both individually, and with others in relation to dynamic flows by and between each other.