Elemental Practitioner Certification Program
Program Information
Program Time Commitment |
The Program is comprised of three trimesters, each six months in duration, comprising 21 weeks per trimester. Each student cohort is limited to a maximum of 10 students.
For the first trimester, classes meet for 90 minutes, once per week. In addition to class hours, there are an additional 3 hours of associated non-classroom time related to readings, self-inquiry, one-on-one guidance sessions, and review activities per class. For the Second Trimester, weekly 90 minutes classes will continue, with one five hour additional weekend group practice session per month, representing an additional 30 hours of practice time. For the Third Trimester, weekly 90 minute classes will continue with two addition two day weekend sessions, comprised of two 5 hour days, working with companies and cases, for cohort practice, comprising an addition 20 hours over the course of the Trimester. The aggregate Program time commitment is 144 hours, over an 18 month period. The Program breaks for one month during the Summer and the period spanning Christmas and New Years, coordinated and scheduled with and by the cohort. |
Program Calendar |
The inaugural Class of 2023 cohort commenced on September, 2021; with a graduation date of April, 2023.
The next Elemental Practitioner Program Class of 2024 will commence April, 2022, with a graduation date of October, 2023. |
Program Focus by Trimester |
First Trimester:
The first trimester is focused on an introduction to The Five Elements on an individual and personal level, with emphasis on context, qualities, and dynamics, through use of multidimensional and experiential exercises, guided meditations, and instructional sessions. Additional concepts related to properties of energetic flows related to balancing, empowering, releasing, and present moment experience are introduced, examined and practiced. Second Trimester: The second trimester is centered on the Five Elements applications in the context of relationships within, one-on-one (partnerships), small groups, and large teams. The trimester will be comprised of instructional sessions, and group practice sessions focusing on one-on-one relational dynamics, and group dynamics. This trimester provides an experiential opportunity to develop elemental analytic and insight observational skills, and practical identification of what is needed, and how to provide catalytic support in the face of imbalance or misalignments manifesting as conflict. Third Trimester: The third trimester shall introduce the Elemental Environment and Emergent Organizational Development, the concepts of emergence, and organizational DNA and 2BElemental Epigenetics. This trimester shall also introduce Rituals, Circles (meeting formats), Cycles, and Diagnostic Tools and Inquiry in relation to larger organizations and collaborative structures. This trimester shall also include final Competency Evaluations, one-on-one Oral Reviews, and Certification of 2BElemental Elemental Practitioners. |
Tuition |
Tuition is US $2,500 per Trimester, payable in full prior to commencement of the next current trimester; or payable in six monthly installments, subject to setting up credit card auto debit for the first of each month, over the course of the Program.
Cancellation Policy |
Cancellation at least thirty days prior to the first session of the Program shall enable a full refund of any payments made in advance. Cancellation less than 30 days but no later than 15 days prior to cancellation of registration shall enable a 75% refund of advance payments received. Cancellation less than 15 days prior to the date of the next Program session cancelled shall enable a refund of 50% of funds previously paid and received in advance.
Certification |
Upon successful completion of the full Program and all requirements, each Student shall receive a 2BElemental Certified Elemental Practitioner Certificate, along with license and permission to identify themselves as 2BElemental Certified Insight Service Providers in connection with professional websites, social media marketing materials, and related email and other 2BElemental Insight Service-related marketing activities.
The Certified Practitioner shall also be entitled to access the 2BElemental Society password protected Certified Practitioner Membership Area of the Society's website, providing access to resources, materials, community forums; and listing in the 2BElemental Certified Insight Services Practitioner Directory. |
Registration |
Program registration must be completed 30 days prior to commencement of the selected Session (see calendar above), accompanied by payment of the Tuition for the First Trimester.